So me and DanDan (my girlfriend Danielle) just came back from a road trip to Montreal. My goal in Montreal was to find this yarn store called "La Bobineuse de Laine". We walked up St-Denis from Ste-Catherine all the way to Ave Mont-Royal. We took a bus and when we saw that the addresses were gettin close, we walked. We eventually found it though. It was a little shop full of bins of various strands of different fibres. Took mme a while to figure out that you picked a number of strands and they spin it to form your own yarn. After like 45 minutes of deciding, I eventually picked out a mix of acrylic of 4 black strands and 2 green strands for 1/2 a pound.
They spun it right in front of me on a little cardboard cone (which is awesome!)

DanDan got some too. Hers was pre-spun as a display. It matches her hair. She's planning of making a shawl with it.

If ever you're in Montreal, their address is 2270 Ave Mont-Royal East. Go there if you have the chance.