We also went to Val's new appartment last night. Her cat started drinking in our glass and I could not resist taking a few pictures. She could not reach the water in the glass, so she would dip her paw in in and lick her paw. 

I also went to Cricket Cove and London-Wul and bought some yarn (pictures next post). I had put down my name to teach classes at Cricket Cove a long time ago and the lady there said to bring something in to show her and she'll see if I can teach. I didn't know what to bring for the longest time. So yesterday I decided I'd jut bring anything, so I brought my pinstripe scarf and a striped purse that I made to show her. She liked it and told the owner, and now they want me to teach a class during the summer! Yay! And I also get 20% off there while I give classes. Another yay!